About Us

Young adventurers; Travelling and working around Australia in our car, Magnum and our Camper Trailer, PI. Check our blog and if you see us on the road come say Hi...we always have 2 pink flamingos waiting beside our tent!

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

***PAUSE*** Cairns Cairns Cairns...

Hi again!

We came to Cairns for a job interview for George and they offered him the position that afternoon! So we found somewhere cheap to stay in Cairns (hahahaha--I wish...) We stayed at the Cairns Villa Resort which is in Manora..Yes is was cheapish at $25 a night...$10 less than anywhere else, we were hoping this would be a good option and booked in for 2 nights.. It was old, which Im fine with...but when the permanent residents are a little scary, the police are called, patrol the park and then when we head out we see a local kid steal this dude riding a bikes hat... OFF HIS HEAD! So we lock our trailer in every way possible...and look for a new option that is closer to Georges new job. After visiting a few parks we decided to go back to the Crystal Cascades Resort we stayed at last time we came to Cairns..we would have loved to have stayed at Lake Placid as they were so nice and the park was lovely but they were just that big more expensive... So we decided on Crystal Cascades...but they cant get us for a few days...so we will stick it out here in town for another day...

So after 3 weeks of chasing leads for work....George has got a part-time job... I have put in heaps of applications for work also, so hopefully between the both of us we can afford to live here and save a little cash!

So for now we are planning on settling down in Cairns for a while up to 6 months! So the blog will no doubt be left at idle for a while. We may have a few day trips here and there which might pop up form time to time...Hope to be able to get some SCUBA diving in!

We will caravan park for a little while and when I get a job we will try for a house...(heres hoping that our babys Hugo and Mont might be able to come visit then) Miss my boys! x

So leave your email on the right hand side of the page and subscribe to get a notice when I make a new post...that way you wont keep checking when there is nothing here! ;-)

So the adventure is on idle but not switched off....

Hopefully see you here soon

Sherii and George... (oh and Magnum and PI who will be getting a well deserved rest well PI will anyway)

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